Overcoming barriers to quality improvement
Gold standard clinical practice
A clinical setting where the team follows current clinical standards and guidance underpins patient safety and is the goal for all healthcare providers and clinicians.
With both the organisation and clinical teams committed to providing 'Gold Standard' clinical practice and safe care. Reducing preventable errors and avoidable complications may seem straightforward, this is not always the case when we unsure of why errors happen and what the errors are.
Implementing standards are beneficial
With so many organisations such as CQC ,NICE ,GMC and NMC to name a few releasing standards and guidance within the UK its clear implementing standards are beneficial : lowering overall costs, decreasing infection rates, reducing preventable errors and improving patient outcomes.
However, the barriers to achieving compliance can be challenging.
Too many and competing priorities. To action them all can be tough. Which priorities takes priority ?
Clarification and understanding of what guidance and standards mean in real terms.
Time and Resources
Demands on healthcare workers time are high, time to keep abreast of new thinking and evidence can sometimes loose priority over essential patient care.
Clearly defines responsibilities over whose job it is to maintain practice guidelines and how information is disseminated to staff. This can sometimes be shared between practice educators and organisational managers.
In any profession the day-to-day routine can lead to complacency about keeping up with developments in their specialism. In healthcare some issues are cultural e.g. 'we have always done it this way' or 'this is how my senior has showed me how to do it'. Developing bad habits and cutting corners can often happen.
Rapid Change
As different clinical specialties advance quickly so too does the updated guidance and standards.
Please contact us to hear how Medi-Mogul Consultancy Ltd can assist in overcoming these barriers.